
Paintings and Handmade objects - unique, colourful, special, modern and nostalgic... The perfect present for any ocassion!

Handmade wooden toys

Colorful handmade wooden toys with motion

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Handmade, useful and decorative

Handmade items which will impress you

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Paintings and drawings

Unique paintings for every room

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Bookstore items and more

Bookstore items for each and everyone

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Bookstore items

This section of the homepage is just to inform you about what we can currently offer you in our store in Sparta (no online orders possible for items found in this section). You are welcome to visit us on-site, in Sparta. You will surely enjoy your visit and find good quality, good taste and low price items - for you, your family, your friends. Respecting nature and our customers is the basic rool due to which we choose and also offer our products.


Order and Contact

Here you can place your order: either by sending us an email at xronos.hobby@gmail.com or by using the Contact Form below or by calling us on the number +30 27310 89065. Its our pleasure to help you and answer your questions.
You are also very welcome to visit our shop on-site (s. address below).

Contact Form

You can contact us by filling in the form below:

Xronos, Platanista 92, 23100 Sparti
Tel // Fax (+30)27310 - 89065
